[Hokkaido Government PR Office] “Trials” and “Interns” where you can experience activities in a short period are also available!
Introducing Hokkaido’s “Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team”! Hokkaido Government PR Office Press release: February 5, 2025 “Trials” and “Interns” are also available where you can experience activities in a short period of time! Introducing Hokkaido’s “Regional
Revitalization Cooperation Team”! Hokkaido Hidaka Promotion Bureau will exhibit at the “8th Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team National Summit”!
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/132907/17/132907-17-bd238e6a31e5a5cadc47fc0b39695f61-810×330.png The Hokkaido Government Office established the “Regional
Revitalization Cooperation Support Promotion Office” in June 2023, and is implementing various initiatives such as holding various training sessions and centrally disseminating recruitment information in order to support volunteer members, volunteer applicants, and municipalities in Hokkaido. The Hidaka Promotion Bureau, a branch agency of the Hokkaido Government, will be exhibiting at the “Regional
Revitalization Cooperation Team/Municipality Booth” at the “8th Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team National Summit” to be held at Tokyo Midtown Hall on Sunday, February 9th. At the exhibition booth, we plan to introduce the activities of the Regional
Revitalization Cooperation Volunteers and promote the recruitment of members. The Hidaka region is located in the central southwestern part of the main road, and has an area of 4,811.02 km2, which is equivalent to Fukuoka and Wakayama prefectures.It is the number one horse producing region in Japan, accounting for approximately 80% of the domestic horse production, and plays a major role in hosting central and regional horse racing. In addition to producing light stud horses, Hidaka area also produces rice, greenhouse horticulture, dairy farming, and beef cattle, and boasts the highest production of tomatoes, green peppers, summer strawberries, and delphiniums in all of Hokkaido. The Hidaka Promotion Bureau has appointed one Regional Revitalization Cooperation Volunteer since September last year, and he is responsible for communicating the appeal of the region and building a cooperation volunteer network in the wake of the birth of the Hidaka Mountains Erimo Tokachi National Park. ■ Overview of “Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team National Summit (Sponsor: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)” This event effectively disseminates information about the Community Revitalization
Cooperation Volunteers by holding booths by current and former members who are active throughout the country, lectures by experts, and individual networking events.This event aims to broadly appeal to urban residents and local government officials who are interested in moving to rural areas and regional cooperation activities about the Community Revitalization Cooperation Volunteers system, and creates opportunities for Community Revitalization Cooperation Volunteers, former members, and local government officials to learn, interact, and present their activities. (For details, please contact the Regional Independence Support Division, Regional Strength Creation Group, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications [Telephone:
03(5253)5391]) Date: February 9, 2025 (Sunday) 13:00~17:00 (doors open at 12:00) Location: Tokyo Midtown Hall URL:
https://www.chiikiokoshitai.jp/ ▼Hokkaido Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team Portal Site:https://hokkaido-chiikiokoshi.jp/ Introducing Hokkaido’s “Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team”! As the population continues to decline and the population ages, more than 1,000 “Regional Revitalization Cooperation Volunteers”, the largest group in the country, are working every day in Hokkaido. On this page, we will introduce the current situation of Hokkaido’s Regional Revitalization Cooperation Volunteers, as well as the “Trial Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team” and “Regional Revitalization Cooperation Volunteer Internships,” where you can experience the activities of the Regional Revitalization Cooperation Volunteers in advance. 1. What is the Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team? The Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team is an initiative to move resident records from urban areas to disadvantaged areas such as depopulated areas, and to settle and settle in the area while carrying out “regional cooperation activities” such as regional
revitalization support such as development, sales, and PR of local brands and local products, engagement in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and support for residents. Volunteers are commissioned by each local government, and their term of office is generally one year or more and three years or less. In 2009, the first year of the program, there were 10 members and 4 participating organizations in Hokkaido, but by 2023, the number will be 1,084 members and 162 participating municipalities. In addition, approximately 70% of volunteers continue to live in Hokkaido even after their terms of service have ended, and are contributing to the revitalization of the region by bringing new sensibilities and stimulation to the region, such as by starting a business or finding employment. In addition, the current status of Hokkaido’s Regional Revitalization Cooperation Volunteers is that they have the largest number of members in the country, and that the percentage of people employed is higher than that of people starting their own businesses.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/132907/17/132907-17-c15e61a011d3b45729b29f4fc488f955-1000×451.png 2. For those who are worried about suddenly moving for a long time, we also have “trial programs” and “internships” available! ?
Municipalities in Hokkaido are also focusing on initiatives such as the “Trial Community Revitalization Cooperation Team” and the “Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team Internship” for people who are interested in joining the Community Revitalization Cooperation Volunteers. The “Trial Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team” is an initiative that started in 2019, and is characterized by the ability to interact with local residents and experience the actual work carried out by the volunteer volunteers over a short period of time, mainly two nights and three days. On the other hand, the “Regional Revitalization Cooperation Volunteer Internship” is an initiative that started in 2021, and unlike the trial Regional Revitalization Cooperation Volunteer, the purpose is to engage in activities similar to actual cooperation volunteers within a period of 2 weeks to 3 months, so that the participants have an image of what they will be like after arriving. What is the “Trial Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team”? Duration: Mainly 2 nights and 3 days Conditions for current address: Nothing in particular Change of resident record: Not required Activities (examples): Meetings with government officials, host communities, etc. Local information, exchange meetings Hands-on experience of local cooperation activities, etc. What is “Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team Intern”? Duration: 2 weeks to 3 months Current address requirements: Regional requirements apply Change of resident record: Not required Activity details: Engaged in regional cooperation activities similar to the regional revitalization cooperation team Others: Financial measures will be taken by the government up to 12,000 yen per person per day of activity
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