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» JTB Corporation Launch of sales of “Baoble”, a tool for visualizing face-to-face communication skills

JTB Corporation Launch of sales of “Baoble”, a tool for visualizing face-to-face communication skills

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[JTB Corporation] Launch of sales of “Baoble”, a tool for visualizing face-to-face communication skills ​
JTB Co., Ltd. Press release: March 13, 2025 Launch of “Baoble”, a tool to visualize face-to-face
communication skills ~ Contribute to problem solving in business scenes by visualizing communication skills ~ JTB Business Travel Solutions Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Koto-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President and Executive Officer: Masahiro Harada, hereinafter referred to as JTB-CWT) will begin selling Baoble, a tool that visualizes the atmosphere of discussions and communication skills, on April 1st using voice analysis technology from Hyrable Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Takeshi Mizumoto, hereinafter referred to as Hyrable). (The earliest start date is May 1st)×400.jpg “Baoble” official website (site opened on April 1st) “Baoble” video ■Planning background and purpose of “Baoble” Due to the coronavirus pandemic, various tasks have been replaced online, and opportunities for non-face-to-face communication have rapidly increased. However, since it is difficult to convey nonverbal information such as visual and auditory information to the other person online, it was also an opportunity to realize once again the importance of face-to-face communication. On the other hand, a survey conducted by JTB-CWT on the current state of business communication has also highlighted issues with face-to-face communication due to the fact that unlike online meetings, the situation cannot be recorded and becomes a black box, and there are no indicators to objectively evaluate the content of the discussion or the communication skills of the speakers.×201.jpg Therefore, we developed “Baoble” as a tool that quantitatively visualizes face-to-face communication using audio information as clues. Visualizing the “unconscious” leads to “consciousness” and supports the discovery of new perspectives and values ​​in
communication, such as the following. 1. By visualizing the weak points of salespeople who conduct face-to-face customer interviews, it will lead to changes in their own behavior 2. In the recruitment scene, it helps to understand the characteristics of the participants, which helps in placing the right person in the right place and creating human resource value 3. In meetings and group work, you can understand not only the results but also the discussion process, improving productivity By enabling both management and staff to objectively understand the atmosphere of discussions and indicators of communication skills that have been “somewhat” felt until now, they are dependent on subjectivity, contributing to the promotion of human capital management and the improvement of psychological safety. “Baoble” started with the “Future Creation Subcommittee”, an in-house recruitment system that solicits business ideas in the BtoB field from employees and creates next-generation businesses. In order to further expand the exchange creation business undertaken by the entire JTB Group, we have come to the decision to promote “Baoble”, which was finally selected, as a new business. ■Overview of “Baoble” It graphs the amount of conversation, the proportion of two-way conversation, the excitement, etc. during business negotiations, meetings, and salesperson role plays, and displays advice that can be used next time.×569.jpg Three types of reports are output during the discussion, immediately after the discussion, and at the end of the month and term,
encouraging three levels of “awareness.”×500.jpg×658.jpg ■About the project advisor It was jointly developed using Hyrable’s speech analysis technology under the supervision of Professor Emeritus Ikuo Ohbo (Osaka University, Tokyo Mirai University, Hokusei Gakuen University), a leading expert in nonverbal communication research, and a university professor in Okayama Prefecture who is from Professor Ohbo’s laboratory.×267.jpg×267.jpg ■Thoughts behind the product name This product is based on the concept of the phrase “You can’t see the things you see” that appears in “The Little Prince” (author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry). We believe that non-verbal information, atmosphere, and human relationships that are not recorded in meeting minutes are “invisible things,” and we named it “Baoble” by combining the baobab tree that appears in the story and the suffix “-able,” with the hope that Baoble’s technology may make them visible. The logo uses the fox that uttered this phrase in the story. Through Baoble, JTB-CWT and Hyrable will revitalize face-to-face communication in business settings and contribute to the realization of a society where deeper engagement can be built. ■Inquiries from general customers and business partners JTB Business Travel Solutions Co., Ltd. Sales Planning Department E-mail: TEL: 03-5548-8346 Hyrable Co., Ltd. TEL: 050-1753-6878 E-mail: Inquiry form:

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