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» JTB Corporation JTB launches “100notabi Campaign”

JTB Corporation JTB launches “100notabi Campaign”

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[JTB Corporation] JTB launches “100notabi Campaign” ​
JTB Co., Ltd. Press release: March 14, 2025 JTB launches “100notabi Campaign” ~ Map-type SNS app to record your travel memories ~ From Friday, March 14, 2025, JTB Co., Ltd. will implement the “100notabi Campaign” for everyone who enjoys traveling. “Notabi” is a map-type SNS app that was created as a new business by JTB in August 2024 to record travel memories. “notabi” automatically generates an album from the photos stored on your smartphone. We help you write about your travels, savor and share your memories. ○100notabi campaign HP:×662.png ■ Purpose of “100notabi Campaign” In the “100notabi” campaign, by having each person record the irreplaceable moments that moved their hearts through “notabi,” we hope to give people the time to relive their travels and the fun of recording their memories in their own words. This campaign also aims to provide opportunities for people to experience a variety of journeys, allowing them to connect their journey to someone else’s journey. ■Development history of “notabi” For over 100 years, JTB has been creating heart-moving moments with everyone through travel. There are many different ways of traveling and enjoying traveling. We want everyone to enjoy traveling freely and express themselves in their own way. With this in mind, the map-type SNS app “notabi” was born to record travel memories.×567.png ○notabi official homepage: ○notabi official Instagram: ■“100notabi Campaign” Overview Please post your own special trips on “notabi” and “Instagram”. We will select 100 trips from the submitted trips and display them at Shibuya Station. In addition, an original photo book summarizing 100 trips will be presented to the selected participants. *Please refrain from making inquiries to stations and station staff regarding this campaign. ・Application period: March 14, 2025 (Friday) to April 5, 2025 (Saturday) ・How to apply: The application can be completed in the following two steps. 1. Post an album with
“#100notabi” on notabi 2. Mention notabi official Instagram account (@notabi.ig) and post in Instagram stories with the URL of the album posted on notabi×876.png×660.png

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