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» Intersect will be on stage at the Chinese Business Economic Forum “CCCJ WEEK 2024”

Intersect will be on stage at the Chinese Business Economic Forum “CCCJ WEEK 2024”

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Intersect takes the stage at the Chinese Business Economic Forum “CCCJ WEEK 2024” ​
Intersect Communications Co., Ltd. Press release: November 15, 2024 Intersect will be on stage at Chinese Business Economic Forum “CCCJ WEEK 2024” ~Announcing the current situation, issues and countermeasures as a platform for inbound business~, Date and time: Friday, November 22, 2024, 13:00-17:30 Venue: The Prince Park Tower Tokyo×298.png Intersect Communications Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Yufeng Tan, hereinafter referred to as Intersect), which provides overseas promotion and inbound support for China, Taiwan, etc. We would like to inform you that our employees will be speaking at the Chinese Business Economic Forum of “CCCJ WEEK 2024″ hosted by the CCCJ WEEK 2024. As a platform for inbound business, we will inform you about the current situation, issues, and countermeasures for inbound business based on the latest trends and case studies. At this forum, Mr. Jiro Terashima, President of Tama University and Chairman of the Japan Research Institute, will give a keynote speech on the latest trends in the global economy under the theme of “Chinese merchant network and Japan.” In addition, we are planning a panel discussion on the theme of “The Global Network of Chinese Merchants and New Contributions to Local Communities,” with panelists including Chinese merchant leaders from around the world and the president of Mitsubishi Electric. At Intersect, our employee Shota Domei will be on stage as the keynote speaker and moderator during the session “Inbound Business Platform – Inbound Current Situation, Challenges and Countermeasures”. ▼Profile of our speakers×372.jpg Shota Michiaki Shota Michiaki Intersect Communications Co., Ltd. Sales Consulting Headquarters Manager Born in 1986. After working in ASP mail order system sales specializing in cosmetics and health foods, in 2016 she joined Intersect Communications, which has a reputation for supporting overseas expansion. He is involved in a wide range of work, including preparing for accepting mobile orders such as the multi-QR code payment service IntaPay, promoting tourism DX, and attracting inbound tourists. We have a large track record of inbound support from local governments to general companies. ​ Title: “2024 CCCJ WEEK” Date and time: Friday, November 22, 2024 13:00-17:30 Venue: The Prince Park Tower Tokyo (4-8-1 Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo) Price: 15,000 yen/person (members), 20,000 yen/person (non-members) Sponsored by: General Incorporated Association Japan Chinese Business Association (CCCJ WEEK Executive Committee) Details: For details on this forum, please see belowフライヤ% BC.pdf If you are a non-member, please apply below. 12:00-13:00 Reception starts 13:00-13:10 Opening remarks (Chairman Xiao) 13:10-14:10 Keynote Speech “Chinese merchant network and Japan – New trends in the global economy” 14:10-15:40 Panel discussion “Global network of Chinese merchants and new contributions to local
communities” 16:00-17:30 Session Session 1 “Business Contest 2024 ~Global market awareness from startups~” Session 2 “Forefront of AI x Robots – Current status and development trends of the AI ​​robotics industry” Session 3 “Platform for inbound business ~ Current status of inbound, issues and countermeasures ~” *Our employees will be on stage ■Company profile Trade name: Intersect Communications Co., Ltd. Representative: Representative Director and President Tan Yufeng Address: 2F, B M Building, 3-1 Kanda Ogawamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052 Established: November 2000 Business content: Overseas promotion and inbound (attracting visitors to Japan) support mainly in mainland China and Taiwan, Cross-border EC for China, affiliate management agency, affiliate site patrol, System development etc. Capital: 98.56 million yen URL : We are an overseas promotion system development company established in 2000, mainly in Japan, China and Taiwan, and are engaged in a wide range of businesses as shown below. QR payment solution “IntaPay” and SI service/ERP business that supports both Japan and overseas. For Japan, we offer affiliate advertising management and site patrol, POS-linked CRM analysis and BI tools, BPM, electronic contracts, unmanned AI stores, and mobile ordering service “eateat.” For overseas markets, we will promote measures to attract visitors to Japan, promote excursions during travel, Baidu advertising, SNS, overseas digital advertising such as influencers in Japan and overseas, WeChat mini program development, and expansion of overseas sales channels. In addition, in the production area, we are currently developing a wide range of businesses using DX technology both domestically and internationally, including multilingual web/video/poster/explanatory POP production, “Passton” correction, sharing, and instruction tool, and live streaming. As of 2024, the group has over 10 locations in Japan and mainland China, and approximately 1,000 employees.

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